Transportation study suggestions?

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
I noticed this in in the Breadth and Depth portion of the Exam under Transportation?

Could someone clarify what is meant by this?

Also, should I be focused on Kinematics, Dynamics, etc. as they cover a large portion in the CERN transportation area. I want to do the Traffic Depth and I'm starting with the Capacity Section w/ HCM and other references. I want to study the Depth Portion first to see if I have any questions I need to get out of the way now then quickly go over the other breadth subjects. Do you think this is a good plan? Thanks guys.

I'm not sure what "this" is in your first question.

As for kinematics and dynamics, don't bother spending too much time on these. The CERM provides first principle lessons in all of the Civ Eng topics. Most, if not all, exam questions are practical in nature. Having said that, it's good to know the first principles since it provides a good foundation in knowing how to solve the practical questions.

Based on those I know who haven't passed the exam, they don't spend enough time learning the fundamentals and they spend too much time to trying to "plug and chug" numbers in an equation. The purpose of the exam is to test one's critical thinking and analytical skills. Some people are born with it, while most of us have to study for it.

Good luck!

Link for Lazy

Click on the link above, then click on Civil Transportation.

This will give you the break down of Breath and Depth that is covered in the exam.

This will give you a good idea what to study for the exam both Breath and Depth.
