The 25 Most Disturbing Movies Ever

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Clockwork Orange, Exorcist, Eraserhead and Blue Velvet - I've seen those and they don't seem anywhere near as shocking as the description of some of the other movies. Eraerhead was pretty boring actually.

I actually thought the shower scene in Scarface was pretty shocking the first time I saw it. But I bet there are far more shocking things that happen in real life than in most of these movies. Take a look at "Faces of Death" or "Shocking Asia."

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Caligula should have been on the list. I guess Exorcist was pretty shocking when it came out, but it is a pretty boring movie to watch now.

Ha, I actually watched Human Centipede last night. Wow, it really is...distrubing. I love movies like SAW and Hostel so this was right up my alley, but there were parts that really made me squirm.

Hostel was one of those movies that was good, but I really felt like I needed to shower afterwards.

Clockwork Orange is the only one on the list that I've actually seen. I generally don't seek to be disturbed by a movie. Just not my 'cup-o-tea'.

I made it through all of them and I'm not sure how The Exorcist was #1. There were some seriously disturbing sh!t going on in those movies.

I really want to see AntiChrist. I had heard of it a while back but never did get around to DLing it. After Human Centipede I think I may have toughened up my stomach enough to handling it.

Just the youtube preview of the Human Centipede had me throwing up in my mouth. I assume all the people in the movie died from parasitic infections?


Actually the chick in the back of the chain does die from what the Doctor says is blood poisoning. The guy at the front slashes his own throat and the movie ends with the chick in the middle locked in a room stitched between the two dead bodies.

Ok, this is starting to worry me. Ive seen several of these movies. I Spit On Your Grave, Last House on the Left, Human Centipede, Blue Velvet, Happiness (my friends and I still joke about the "I'd jerk off instead" line). I have also seen some clips of 120 days of Sodom (NASTY) and Cannibal Holocaust (decapitation).

only have seen I spit on your grave & Exorcist - no desire to see any of that other stuff 'cept maybe Clockwork Orange cuz its a cult classic.

What about "If God is Willing and Da Creek Don't Rise"? There are some disturbing scenes in there from the Haiti Earthquake.
