Teacher placed on leave

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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A Parkway North High School science teacher who informed the school's principal Friday that she had been involved in the adult-film industry before becoming a teacher has been placed on administrative leave, according to a district news release.
The teacher, Tera Myers, requested the leave after a student approached her about her past, according to the district. She will be paid through the end of the school year.
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if it is something she did in her past, what should it matter? Unless she lied about it on her application thats a whole another ball of wax, but otherwise who cares...maybe it would get more parents involved in the parent teacher conference? :p

the article says she was on Dr. Phil before she was hired at Parkway. Maybe the student saw the Dr. Phil show. FWIW, who really cares. I wonder if on the first day of school she recreated the VH Hot for Teacher video.

So she was suspended for doing something entirely legal. What a great country we live in!

I wonder how many former pot smoking teachers have jobs in this country?

If she made it known that she used to be in the "industry" then I would say shame on her, but if she wasnt trying to make it known then I feel bad for her..

either way I will have to research this a little more, not from a work computer though..

Old news around here. Apparently shes selling herself, uh her talents, her experience, well shes trying to get hired in a new school district. I have no problem with the school board removing a former porn star from the classroom. I don't care what she is now, she is not a good role model for children. I think keeping anyone with a past like this from impressionable boys is a good idea ie avoiding future law suits). Now i didnt say tie her to a stake and burn her in hot oil. I'm simply saying she needs to get a non-public job away from kids that look up to her. Saying they can't, or shouldnt, fire her is like saying they shouldnt be allowed to look at her character before deciding whether or not to put her in front of children.

So she was suspended for doing something entirely legal. What a great country we live in!
I believe taking money for sex acts counts as prositution.

Just sayin'...

Saying they can't, or shouldnt, fire her is like saying they shouldnt be allowed to look at her character before deciding whether or not to put her in front of children.
Most teaching contracts around here have a morals clause. I heard a local got in trouble for bartending over the summer. Seems a bit much to me.

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Now i didnt say tie her to a stake and burn her in hot oil.
I think she told Dr. Phil that she had that role in one of her films.


(disclaimer: if there are pics, my company websense may be blocking them, I see nothing dammit)

Look through most teachers facebook accounts on Friday nights and you can find plenty that are just as bad "examples" for their students

So she was suspended for doing something entirely legal. What a great country we live in!
I believe taking money for sex acts counts as prositution.

Just sayin'...
Prostitution is legal in parts of this country



(disclaimer: if there are pics, my company websense may be blocking them, I see nothing dammit)
Here ya go DV


I'm of the opinion that some school board member encouraged this decision, or some school board staffer, and then later they probably went home and watched porn... theres a reason its a billion dollar industry...

So she was suspended for doing something entirely legal. What a great country we live in!
I believe taking money for sex acts counts as prositution.

Just sayin'...
Prostitution is legal in parts of this country

Not in Cali where these films are being made. Set raids used to be fairly common, but the fines/punishment are small enough so that it isn't a detterant.

FWIW, its kinda sad that they don't giver her a chance. Apparently all this happened a long, long time ago, in a place far, far away.

But, it also goes to show you that there are always consequences to your actions.

Look through most teachers facebook accounts on Friday nights and you can find plenty that are just as bad "examples" for their students

as true as that may be, we cant continue to look the other way. There has to be a line not to cross.
