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Multi-disciplinary engineer
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
The 970
I have a few wierd/strange superstitions.

I always out on my left sock and shoe first.

I lift my feet whenever crossing my home county line. This includes in the car or on a bike (I take my feet off the pedals).

I kiss the back of my hand and slap the roof of the car for luck whenever I go through a yellow light.

What superstitions do other people have?

Holding a button and making a wish when you see a funeral procession.

My sister holds her breath while passing a cemetery.

In my college days, our standard “get one for me when you get yours” signal was to hold your can / bottle to your forehead. I still tap my forehead upon finishing my last, before I leave a pub.

I have to check my alarm clock 3 times before I go to sleep. Sounds more like OCD though.

Everything I can think of that I do is more borderline OCD....

Locking the car twice as I walk away

double checking the sound level and radio station of the alarm before bed

there's a handful of others, but all OCD-like in nature

Most of things I "have" to do are probably better in line with OCD, but I feel if I don't do them, then I will have bad fortune, which I guess makes it superstitious.

When making a sandwich, the bread has to match up like it was in the bag. I don't/can't step on the joints in the side walk. I have to lock my car twice, sometimes three times, depending on my mood.

Here's one that goes back to when I was a kid. When I put my kids to bed, I always say see you tomorrow, or see you in the morning, and I repeat it until I get a response. I figure if we have an agreement to see each other then no one will die in their sleep. When I was a kid, for some reason, I thought I was going to die in my sleep. Every night I would tell my mother, "see you in the morning", and I would repeat it until she said, "see you in the morning". It went away when my mother/parents stopped putting me to bed, but resurfaced when my daughter was able to speak and the bed time routine began. I don't think I believe any of us are going to die any time soon, but I just feel like it's something that has to be done. A little nutty I maybe.

I'm the same way with the bedtime routine! I have to admit it got worse when my grandmother was sick and then died. For the days before I always told her my standard, "I'll see you later." The final time I left I said, "Good bye," and I got the call ten minutes later that she had died. I always make sure to tell my kid and my husband, "See you in the morning," or "See you later," or something else more open ended.

we never send get well cards to the hospital. Every person ever sent a card from us to the hospital has died.

just thought of another one. If you drop silverware at home it means company is coming. I forgot the key though to decipher whos coming (i.e. fork means man/woman)

just thought of another one. If you drop silverware at home it means company is coming. I forgot the key though to decipher whos coming (i.e. fork means man/woman)

I'd consider that more of an old wives tale.... but there does seem to be a big fat grey area between old wives tales, OCD, and superstitions

I thought of one while I was playing cards at lunch.... I always have to use the 4 and 6 of spades as the scorecards, rather than the 4 and 6 of hearts.... I have a feeling it has to with that being the cards I had when I first learned....

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I don't like looking down dark hallways. Always made me a bit fearful. Big bells, like those in church steeples give me the creeps, too.

When I was in high school, on game day (played HS baseball) I would blare Metallica's "One" Never finished lower than 4th in the state all 4 years!

When I got married, at the beginning of the Groom/Mother dance I had the DJ play a few seconds of the song....nobody knew what was going on except us two. Pretty cool.

I always roll my head and crack my neck before I make a pass down the track. More OCD than anything, but I always do it.

I'm the same way with the bedtime routine! I have to admit it got worse when my grandmother was sick and then died. For the days before I always told her my standard, "I'll see you later." The final time I left I said, "Good bye," and I got the call ten minutes later that she had died. I always make sure to tell my kid and my husband, "See you in the morning," or "See you later," or something else more open ended.
I had a similar experience with my uncle. He was essentially a second father to me. The last time I saw him, as we were getting ready to leave, I shook his hand and said good-bye. Nothing spectacular, but just different than usual for us getting ready to head home. He was the picture of health but he died in a farming accident a couple of months later. I'm still a little edgy about saying "good-bye" to people close to me.

Holding a button and making a wish when you see a funeral procession.
My sister holds her breath while passing a cemetery.
i remember the holding your breath passing a cemetary thing from when I was a kid. Also when going over RR tracks you had to touch your hand to the ceiling of the car for some reason.

I'm about as unsuperstitious as they come. Don't knock on wood - family yells at me so sometimes I do just to avoid that. Don't care about black cats, Friday the 13th, cracks or seams in walks, yada yada yada. Also don't believe in Jinxs. Case in point, this summer while emailing friends & family about plans for our annual summer picnic at the beach, I made mention of our perfect record (never been rained out). Holy crap, people were freakin about how I just surely jinxed the whole thing for sure! Well, picnic day came...storms rolled thru in the early morning hrs, by noon, it was sunny & hot! Lake MI has been in the 70's almost all summer, and there were good whitecaps rollin in making for great day at the beach. Jinxs?! Cracker please!

I have a thing with placemats that sorts of mimics what sports teams do as far as alternate jerseys.

We typically use these burgundy colored once for most meals, but we also have some green ones with the same pattern. I bust them out on Sunday nights, special occasions, or when I make something special.

Also, I don't really care what happens on Sunday night or Monday night football for the most part, as long as I hear the theme song, I'm all set.

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Also, I don't really care what happens on Sunday night or Monday night football for the most part, as long as I hear the theme song, I'm all set.
dude, those theme songs put me in my happy place :D
