Stabbings blamed on Flatulence

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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A witness, Donal Phillips of Bristol, said he and Higgins hung out in the afternoon and went to the home of Justin Rodrigue at 5:30 p.m. for the party. Rodrigue lives at 126 High St.
Phillips said Higgins “got very drunk” at Rodrigue’s home and was flatulent “throughout the evening.” A female friend got in an argument with Higgins over the flatulence and slapped his face.

The young woman confirmed that Higgins had been passing gas and that “everyone was upset” about it. She said she slapped Higgins because he “singled her out and called her a tramp,” according to the case report.

Phillips said that after being slapped Higgins got very upset, smashed a beer bottle and stormed out of the house. About 45 minutes later Sandra Ranger “busted” through the back door and said, “Oh my God. I got stabbed. Call 911.”

I can't say I have such a conversation with my in-laws. I still use the one cheek sneak method as necessary and blame it on the dog.

In my days of eating too much meat, one of my farts not only woke my wife up at 2 am it also got her out of bed for a few hours.

She said, "oh my god" and got up.

To this day, we still laugh about it.

One of my exes actually vomited in my old RX7 once. I was on a deviled eggs kick at the time.

I don't care who you are, farts are funny! Unless you're stuck in a car with VT. :D

"Farts are funny. Farts are funny as hell. Farts are....shit without the mess." -George Carlin

^LMFAO! I hadn't heard that one in a long, long time. What a genius.
