scrambled do you make them

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I used to put milk or water in but now I don't. I just whisk up eggs with salt and pepper. Add a pat of butter to a pan on med-low. When it's melted and sizzling I add the eggs and push around with a spatula until they're done.

i was talking technique. Went to a restaurant the other day and ordered scrambled eggs and got an over easy egg diced up. that is not scrambled eggs.

Someone at the restaurant needs to be taught how to cook eggs?

I just wisk the eggs together in a bowl and cook over medium heat until they are mostly cooked but still runny. The eggs finish the last bit of cooking while I get the plates and other crap ready.
It was denny's of all places and I never gotten scrambled eggs coming out of on of their kitchens like that before. The plate was sent back to the kitchen for scrambled eggs.

I thought this was a trick question. I thought everyone just beats the sh!t out of the egg with a fork, dumps it into a frying pan, then scrapes the whole mess onto a plate. Done.

Snick - (since you started this) I think you should test out everyone's method, rate them, and report back the best method for scrambling eggs.

Snick - (since you started this) I think you should test out everyone's method, rate them, and report back the best method for scrambling eggs.
If that's the case, then I also add bourbon to mine as well.

Growing up we always referred to an overhard egg as a fried egg. When I got to college and went to the "cooked as you like" egg station I asked for a fried egg. The girl had no idea what I was talking about. I said, "Like the egg patties at McDonald's?" and she responded, "You mean overhard." I said, "If that will get me a fried egg, sure." All I knew was that it was a broken yolk made into a egg patty and we ate them between two slices of toast. I was also pretty homesick and just wanted something that reminded me of home. I was frustrated.

If we had had google, I could have used this:

Stay tuned for our next topic - favorite applications for essential oils.


Dleg, be careful about posting pics of yourself choking your chicken.

After doing the whole low carb thing, it got to where I didn't even like eggs anymore. The GF's sister has a little farm and one of the things they crank out are eggs. I gotta say, fresh eggs are REALLY good. I don't know what they do between the chicken and the grocery store to ruin them, but if there are any places to get fresh eggs around you I would highly recommend you give them a try.

Growing up we always referred to an overhard egg as a fried egg. When I got to college and went to the "cooked as you like" egg station I asked for a fried egg. The girl had no idea what I was talking about. I said, "Like the egg patties at McDonald's?" and she responded, "You mean overhard." I said, "If that will get me a fried egg, sure." All I knew was that it was a broken yolk made into a egg patty and we ate them between two slices of toast. I was also pretty homesick and just wanted something that reminded me of home. I was frustrated.

If we had had google, I could have used this:
Being from Cincinnati and going to school in Florida, I was very excited one day when I saw one of the lines at the dining hall was doing Cincinnati style chili. The server proceeded to dump a pile of rice on my plate topped with Texas style chili and some shredded cheese. I just stood there and looked at her and finally asked "what the f... is this?" She tried to argue with me when I told her it wasn't Cincinnati chili because I'm from Cincinnati, and that lady, is not Cincinnati style chili.


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