RIP Jared

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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weird I didnt see any media cover this?

Very Sad, but was his Subway weight loss all a scam because he had gastro-intestinal bypass surgery? (not that that doesnt entail sacrifice)

But it was very sad, he was doing a lot of public work regarding weight loss and obesity...
weird I didnt see any media cover this?

Very Sad, but was his Subway weight loss all a scam because he had gastro-intestinal bypass surgery? (not that that doesnt entail sacrifice)

But it was very sad, he was doing a lot of public work regarding weight loss and obesity...
I think this may be a hoax.

The surgery occurred in 1998, just before he started his Subway diet. I think it's pretty misleading of Subway to exploit his weight loss as a result of the diet without mentioning the surgery. But that's not Jared's fault - it's still amazing that he lost all that weight.

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I think there is one of these fake celebrity deaths per week on facebook. The last one a recall was Eddie Murphy.

The Snopes article seems to call into question whether he had gastric bypass surgery. Does anybody have a reputable source that says he did?

It says so on the internet! What more do you want?

from CBS - 48 hours, Jared's Diet:

He started skipping breakfast, and ate just two subs a day, a small turkey and a large veggie, along with some baked potato chips, and diet soda. Soon, he cut his daily consumption from 10,000 calories a day to just 2,000.
“This was a major change. I mean, not to make a pun, but I dieted cold turkey,” says Jared.
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Well, maybe Jared's not dead, but Jack LaLanne is. That proves that vegetable juice and exercise are bad for you!

I'm surprised that Jared didn't end up with hypertension after his crash Subway diet. Those processed lunch meats are loaded with sodium.

I remember when Jack Lalanne said that he couldn't die, because it would WRECK HIS IMAGE.

LOL. Good stuff.

Pretty impressive to make it to 96 and still be as active as he was.

Jack Lalanne was awesome. They re-ran an appearance he made on Fox NEws last year, and the guy looked great and was alert and active as hell.

I can only hope I'll be half that fit when I'm.... well, in my 50s. Let alone 90s.
