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What is the big deal with the damn fitbits???  How do you cheat with one of those???
the fitbit can theoretically be used to sneak questions out. The telemetry that is used to count steps could be used to create a pattern that can be turned into words after the test. I doubt there are many people out there smart enough to do this, but its possible! 

the fitbit can theoretically be used to sneak questions out. The telemetry that is used to count steps could be used to create a pattern that can be turned into words after the test. I doubt there are many people out there smart enough to do this, but its possible! 
And if done, should results in an automatic PASS for one of the Electrical exams. 

the fitbit can theoretically be used to sneak questions out. The telemetry that is used to count steps could be used to create a pattern that can be turned into words after the test. I doubt there are many people out there smart enough to do this, but its possible! 
If you are smart enough to achieve this, your results should be a pass... Additionally, I just pictured how awkward that would look, someone moving their hand or wrist to make a pattern.

If you are smart enough to achieve this, your results should be a pass... Additionally, I just pictured how awkward that would look, someone moving their hand or wrist to make a pattern.
It doesn't have to be awkward. Everybody has to write in their exam book just to do calculations.

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I believe the problem lies with the fitbit's ability to communicate/transmit data. There is an article back from 2005 from NCEES about exam cheating and what they are worried about. If I can find it I'll post it. In the article it mentions that they were able to convert a HP 28s to be able to communicate with another HP 28s. How  you could rig a fitbit to do that I don't know. 
I'd like to know how to make my calculator (a 28s) communicate with another 28s.

As an aside, I note that the calculator that I used (an approved TI 36x pro) has the ability to record each calculation you perform.  Had I wanted to share all of the equations/calculations I performed through the exam, it would have been a simple matter to just not delete that data.  Make no mistake, I did delete it (some of it as I went along during the exam).

I wonder if it makes sense for NCEES to provide calculators at the exam site and collect them afterward.  They could offer the three types and that way ensure no modified calculators are in the room, and that no data leaves the room too.


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