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Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
I have stepped up my job search recently after getting my PE and my company having a massive layoff. In this search, I have noticed a disturbing trend...a lot of companies are using recruiters, and those recruiters are VERY invasive in the process. I don't mind them doing the phone screenings and setting up the in-person interviews with the company, but their involvement in the offer process is out of control.

So far, I have gotten 2 offers, and both of them went to the recruiters. The recruiter calls me to discuss the offer before I ever even see it. The first one wanted a verbal acceptance before she would send me a copy of the offer. When I demanded something in writing, she just sent me an email with the base salary and bonus mention of benefits or detailed job description. I rejected that offer partially based on the fact that I personally never received a formal offer (but it was mostly due to the time line...they wanted a decision in 3 days).

The 2nd offer is sitting on another recruiter's desk right now. He keeps saying he wants to talk to me to discuss the offer in detail. I keep telling him that I am unable to discuss an offer in detail if I haven't seen it. He seems to want the same thing that the other people wanted...a verbal commitment before he sends me the offer. He's not going to get it, so he's only hurting his own chance at a commission.

The 3rd recruiter that I'm dealing with is by far the most annoying. He keeps pressing me for a salary figure that he could push for where I would allow him to accept the offer on my behalf. I told him in no uncertain terms that he is NOT authorized to accept any offer on my behalf. Only I get to make such a decision. It pisses me off, and strikes me as completely unprofessional, that he would even ask such a question.

Is this normal? Is this what the head-hunting profession has turned into? If so, I may just limit my job search to companies that are hiring through their internal HR departments.

Is this normal? Is this what the head-hunting profession has turned into? If so, I may just limit my job search to companies that are hiring through their internal HR departments.
It works this way a lot these days. I once went throught he entire process, and was just about to accept an offer when at the last minute they told me it was a "temp to perm" job and i would actually be working for the temp agency for the first six months. Needless to say ..buh bye.

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I have found that most companines hire external recruiters to pretty much be the go-between. The external recruiters typically get paid by the company that they are recruiting for.

These external recruiters more or less pre-screen the applicants so that the companies themselves do not have to go through the trouble of that pre-screening process.

I would suggest doing research on the recruiter or their respective company, and go into the process with a "I already know what I am worth" attitude. I get numerous calls and emails weekly from these so-called "recruiters" that are only looking for the payout.

Shit dude, that's weird - i wouldn't know how to react to verbal agreement requests before knowing particulars of the offer, of which companies make to you because they want you. Frustrating indeed! I don't know if limiting yourself to just dealing w/ HR depts would be a whole lot better. . ..

^ agreed. i get his weekly blog topic / tips emailed to me. . . .now that i think of it, i used to. haven't seen his Tuesday tip of the week for awhile now. .


I have found most of the corporate recruiters to be fairly useless - at least when it has come to employment within my state. Typically I can get a very general description of job duties/location and already know who they are talking about even though they claim 'confidential client'. Whatever!

I think you have the right attitude by sticking to your guns. If you can't TRUST your recruiter and how they conduct business, then you really can't feel good about taking new employment. Perhaps something to discuss with the recruiters you are using before you find yourself negotiating terms for employment? :)

Good luck!


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^^I agree. If you're staying in the same area, I would try and avoid it. Use personal contacts and professional societies to get your resume out. If you're going to a new location, you might have a harder time, so a recruiter might be in order. I have never heard of those tactics though and would also tell them to go blow goats. I have gotten unofficial offers before, and then official ones later, the first being oral, the second one after something else went through, but it doesn't sound like what happened in your case.

There are lots of ways to get a job, my favorites being careerbuilder and monster for random, unsolicited opportunities. Just don't use your favorite email address, and be prepared for the recruiters to call a lot :)

i have used a local placement agency wth great success . . . . theyre not too pushy and the guys call me once every 5 to 6 months with positions i may be interested in . . . . they have placed me twice so far in the last 3 yrs (first company closed through no fault of anybodys really . . .) but they got me the second job almost right away . . . in fact i actually had 3 to chose from

I'm finding it dang near impossible to find decent job listings on the internet. Depending on how you search it's always no results or a bunch of software programing or telemarketing stuff... I think the last one they just check mark it so that their jobs show up in all categories. All of the local newspapers seem to link right to one of the major job search pages and when I buy the paper it's mostly sales stuff as well. I started looking into placement agencies and job fairs today and am going to head down to the base next week to the family support offices to see if they can help out with the search... ugh.

Have you tried just cold calling engineering firms in the area? I did that when my husband was stationed at Ft. Campbell and got a job with the city engineer.

I actually got my current job by cold mailing my resume and cover letter to firms. I'm sure that a lot of the firms just put it in the rectangular file (trashcan), but I stated in my cover letter what I was interested in doing, and I got a call from my cureent employer saying that I fitted their needs. May work for you as well, eg. It may be kinda sketchy to just be sending out the resume w/o warning to firms, but I needed a job!
