Oct 2012 T/F prep

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Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
Education background:

BS Civil and MS Environ. (nothing related to mechanical)

Working background:

3 years working experience


~~~I can do it, so do you.~~~

Study resource:

MERM Section 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13.

PP Handouts: 01 Engr, 02, 03, 04, 05 Comp, 05 Hyraulic, 06, 07, 08, 09.

Practice Problems for the Mechanical Engineering PE Exam: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 12

Unit Convert Handbook



Heat and Mass Transfer

Fluid Mechanics

reference NOT used

official sample question book (occasionally randomly pick one problem to check where I am at)

MERM sample question book (not at all)


Aug 2012 to Oct 2012 (less than 3 months) total 400 hrs. (4hr/weekday, 8hr/weekend)

Since I reached office 8a while others arrived office 9a, I studied 1 hour at office before starting to work. After my son went to sleep, I studied 3 hours before I called it a day.


Can perform solving all the problems in the sections mentioned above using reference material.

Just focus on the problems in the sections mentioned above. Master them. Go thru them again and again until you will spontaneously popup the solution methodology when you see the problems. Keep practicing the problems again and again until the day before the exam day. I believe if you remember the solution of all the practice problems. You will work out all the real problems. I still believe it now.

In the last month, you can randomly pick one official sample question. I believe you will find more confidence.

what is PP handouts?

how did you study other subjects, like machine design, vibration?


I mean PPI. I tried to learn all topics. But finally I gave them up. I skipped all those chapters you mentioned. When you sit in the exam room, you will find no more than 10 problems in the morning section. Trust me, you won't miss all the guessing.

Sorry. You won't find no more than 10 problems related to mechanics.
