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Dec 12, 2010
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Machining lecture 15 Mb

1-Cutting Tool Materials.ppt

2- Material Removal Methods.ppt

3- Single paint cutting tool.ppt

4- High Speed Machining.ppt

5- Broaching.ppt

Prismatic machining (video) 25Mb

Start with the news release Mollart releases 80mm boring heads for Centeplex from Mollart, which we summarised at the time by saying "Mollart Engineering has developed a range of 80mm-deep hole-boring heads that will virtually encompass the 2,000mm stroke of the five-axis Mollart Centeplex dual-spindle machining centre. ". Several months prior to that, we featured the news release Gundrilling centre produces up to 16 holes at once from Mollart: "Mollart Engineering has developed an 18-axis, 16-spindle gundrilling centre for an overseas customer that already has 144 spindles working in its factories. ".

In November 2010, we covered the news from Yamazaki Mazak - take a look at Mazak develops VMC for high-speed machining which says: "Yamazaki Mazak is introducing the first in a range of vertical machining centres to the UK market, which is suitable for machining applications from heavy-duty cutting through to high-speed machining.".

Take a look also at the news release from Kyal Machine Tools, Machining centre performs all CNC tasks, as well as Mill turn centre for machining medical equipment from Mori Seiki, and GibbsCAM modules support Solidworks 2011 3D CAD from Gibbs and Associates.

DLW Coordinate_Measuring_Machine 2,5 Mb

With the exception of a few seemingly fundamental quantum constants, units of measurement are essentially arbitrary; in other words, people make them up and then agree to use them. Nothing inherent in nature dictates that an inch has to be a certain length, or that a mile is a better measure of distance than a kilometre. Over the course of human history, however, first for convenience and then for necessity, standards of measurement evolved so that communities would have certain common benchmarks. Laws regulating measurement were originally developed to prevent fraud in commerce. Today, units of measurement are generally defined on a scientific basis, overseen by governmental or supra-governmental agencies, and established in international treaties. The metre, for example, was redefined in 1983 as the distance traveled by light in free space in 1⁄299,792,458 of a second. In the United States, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a division of the United States Department of Commerce, regulates commercial measurements. In the United Kingdom, the role is performed by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL).

Advance machining 14 Mb

This paper summarizes the effects of edge preparation of the cutting tool in orthogonal

cutting on the following variables: stress distributions at the tool rake face, cutting

forces and tool-chip contact length. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is selected using

the ANSYS /V4.5 code. Six models of cutting tools have been suggested having edge radii

of (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, and 0.25) mm. The results obtained provide a fundamental

understanding of the process mechanics for cutting with realistic cutting tool edge

radius in order to assist in the optimization of tool edge design. The results show that the

optimum edge radius from the six simulated models is (0.05) mm; this edge radius gives

minimum value of effective stress. The results show also that the optimum edge radius

that shows minimum tangential cutting and feed forces is (0.01) mm. The results

investigated that the tool-chip contact length is increased, until reaching maximum

value of (2.4) mm at (r=0.15mm), and minimum value of (0.75) mm at (r=0.01mm). The

maximum relative difference between simulated results of this work and other previous

paper results is (2% - 17%) for the tool effective stresses, (5%) for the tangential force,

and (11%) for the feed force.



Partl - Cutting Tool Geumetry_Ar1g|e Defir1itiur1s.pdf

Part2 - HuwTool Geumetry Atfects the Cut.pdf


SMoffse center.pdf



|ectures13-15 Machining.ppt

Presentatiun for Lecture - 1|\··1.ppt

Presentatiun for Lecture - 5E.ppt

