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2-time 10K winner
Apr 25, 2006
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Frumunda my desk

Fairplain, W.Va. — An unwanted sexual advance landed a Ripley woman in jail after she allegedly brandished a knife to get her “request” met.
Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy R. Mellinger responded to a possible domestic dispute at the I-77 Motor Inn near Fairplain last Friday. Upon arriving, Mellinger met Danny R. William, James A. Watson and Melissa L. Williams; Danny and Melissa are estranged spouses who live four doors down from each other within the I-77 Motor Inn.

Mellinger stated he observed Melissa to be naked from the waist down, sitting in a living room chair, inside Danny’s apartment.

According to the complaint, Danny and Watson told Mellinger that Melissa came to the apartment intoxicated, asked each of them to perform a sexual act on her and took off her pants and underwear, which Mellinger observed lying on the floor at her feet.

Danny stated that he declined the invitation, however, Watson agreed he would perform at her request. The complaint states that as Watson approached Melissa, he became overwhelmed by horrible vaginal odor and declined to precede any further.

It was at this point Melissa allegedly produced a lock-back folding knife, pointed it at Danny and stated, “somebody is going to [perform a sexual act on me] or I’m going to cut your [expletive] throat.”

According to Mellinger, there was a small black handled lock-back knife lying on the coffee table in front of Melissa but when asked about the knife she stated “It was already here”; he also stated that all subjects appeared to be intoxicated and smelled badly of an alcoholic beverage.

Melissa Williams, 42, of Ripley was charged with domestic assault and brandishing; her bond was set at $3,000
Danny stated that he declined the invitation, however, Watson agreed he would perform at her request. The complaint states that as Watson approached Melissa, he became overwhelmed by horrible vaginal odor and declined to precede any further.
For several reasons, this may be the funniest thing I ever read.

I love how it was the ex that declined, but his buddy was all for a free meal.

I love how it was the ex that declined, but his buddy was all for a free meal.
Likely because the ex had already had a bad experience dining at that establishment.

Does the local PD have a website you can look up mugshots on? I would love to see what this "lady" looks like.
I have a sneaking suspicion if you did look it up, you'd be sorry.

You're probably right. Plus the Jackson County Sherrifs Department doesnt seem to have one o' them thar fancy inner-nets websites yet.

I love how it was the ex that declined, but his buddy was all for a free meal.
Likely because the ex had already had a bad experience dining at that establishment.

:puke: :puke: :puke:
Weird. That's what the guy ahead of you did.
See, this is exactly why I entered the term "Swanson Dinner" on Urban Dictionary. I knew that someday, it would be proven true (and useful!)
