Neato Tech Article of the Day

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
I've been stumbling across some cool tech articles lately, so why not consolidate them in one area, rather than start a bunch of new threads?

This one: discusses some new cell phone software that disables the ability to send text messages while driving. With as many assholes, particularly teenagers, I see doing this, I'd LOVE to see this one come to fruition. To hell with you and your personal freedoms, keep your eyes on the road!

This one: we've been dreaming of since kids. Apparently, we now have the ability to shoot down things that fly with laser beams. This prompts the burning question, when and how do I get one to affix to the roof of my car?

I've been stumbling across some cool tech articles lately, so why not consolidate them in one area, rather than start a bunch of new threads?

This one: discusses some new cell phone software that disables the ability to send text messages while driving. With as many assholes, particularly teenagers, I see doing this, I'd LOVE to see this one come to fruition. To hell with you and your personal freedoms, keep your eyes on the road!

This one: we've been dreaming of since kids. Apparently, we now have the ability to shoot down things that fly with laser beams. This prompts the burning question, when and how do I get one to affix to the roof of my car?
The first one is neat in that if you're in a moving car, it'll detect that and stop ability to text / surf. But, what if you're the passenger?

That's the kicker. Supposedly there is an override function built in for passengers, but that does nothing to stop you from overriding if you're the driver. At the very least, I'd like to see parents able to turn that feature on/off. What's so important that they can't wait until the car stops to send a message?

Maybe with the cell phone plan there will be a "Buy Toyota" clause. Then they won't have to worry about stopping.

Jebus...they barely have the LHC operational and they are already starting to plan the next one? Good luck finding another government/coalition of governments to drop $10B on research that doesn't bring much in the way of useful output (who cares if we understand how the universe was formed?).

WARNING! ^^^ Link above is a legit news article having to do with 3D pron.

Thanks a lot Supe :redface: . Clicked on that at work and the page froze up. Not cool.

WARNING! ^^^ Link above is a legit news article having to do with 3D pron.
Thanks a lot Supe :redface: . Clicked on that at work and the page froze up. Not cool.
Sorry! Don't blame me, blame Reuters!
