NCEES 2000, problem 113 morning question

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2009
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Here's the question:

Given an 8-lane freeway with FFS=70mph, the maximum service flow rate per lane at LOS D (pcphpl) is most nearly?

The answer references the old HCM and gives an answer of 2045?

Wouldn't the answer be 2,400 according to the current HCM?

Also does anyone know where I can get the errata for the 2000 NCEES sample problems. Thanks.

Oops, realized it was 2,150 in latest HCM which the closest answer would result in 2045.

Oops, realized it was 2,150 in latest HCM which the closest answer would result in 2045.
I would be really surprised if they threw in a LOS question in the morning/breadth portion of the PE exam. Only geometric problems will be asked for the transpo part of the morning exam since they don't require any reference to the HCM or Green Book.

Good luck!
