Movies that make you sick

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never saw Freaks, but I saw Yellow Submarine when I was six or seven. Don't see the big deal there.

And Blair Witch sucked. If you got sick, it was definitely from the shaky camera wor.

The last big battle scene of the first Transformers movie, I think it gave me a siezure or something. I remember sitting in the theater and I had the feeling of the room spinning and bobbing. Sort of like being drunk on a boat.

interesting list. I saw Freaks awhile ago. It's most notable because the cast were real circus sideshow "performers" of the time.

My wife and I actually saw the human centipede last night. she almost got sick. all in all, it wasn't a great movie. But there were many boob shots. :)

I picked up a copy at Best Buy last night since they were out at Blockbuster. The cashier looked at me with thinly veiled disgust.

I'm excited like it's my first goatse all over again!

I picked up a copy at Best Buy last night since they were out at Blockbuster. The cashier looked at me with thinly veiled disgust.
You should have asked in a lecherous voice if she wanted to see where your uncle Hubie lived.

Read it and weep bitches!!!

$2.25 at the Haji-Mart. I actually got this, Sorcerer's Apprentice, the new Jackass movie and the new Harry Potter movie for $9...welcome to Afghanistan. Human Centipede should be a good one, stuff that is out on DVD is usually just a copy of the DVD. Brand new movies like Harry Potter that just came out in theatres are a toss up because it's usually a camcorder in the theatre.

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For all parties interested in this epic masterpiece that's ahead of it's time, the 'Pede is now available for instant feed via Netflix!
