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It came through late this afternoon.......

Hope everyone else's shows up soon!

Congrats Ben - I assume you mean that your license number shows on the DLEG website now. Let us know when you receive something in the mail.

Thanks. ModernDoug

Congrats Ben - I assume you mean that your license number shows on the DLEG website now. Let us know when you receive something in the mail.Thanks. ModernDoug

It shows a license number on the DLEG site.

Nothing in the mail yet. But from what Raanne and others said, I expect it soon.

(Hoping yours comes in this week too!)


It shows a license number on the DLEG site.

Nothing in the mail yet. But from what Raanne and others said, I expect it soon.

(Hoping yours comes in this week too!)


Congrats Ben! Thats great! I was beginning to wonder what was up with Michigan! Mine came w/in a week of it showing up on the site - you can see the wonderful "certificate" they send. oh and "wallet certificate" - its a bit of a joke. ;) I think i'm going to invest in a nice one I can frame... but i'll wait till next year, because my I'm getting married, so I want it to have my new name on there...

hopefully this means everyone else isn't too far behind!

It's official my license has been posted ...

:multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:

Finally the journey is finally over ... P.E. for Life. :p10940623:

No more :reading:

Thanks to all & Good luck for those taking the exam at the end of the month.


What a relief.

The certificate arrived and I'm now official.

(as soon as I buy a stamp and return an impression of it to DLEG)

Now I get to relax and enjoy life as a PE for a while. Maybe I'll sit down and scribble "P.E." onto all my business cards!

Hope everyone else gets their license soon!


It's Official ... I got my license yesterday. It's time to :beerchug: on mo gin. I am going to party so hard on October 27 !!! In honor of not taking the DAM test again.

What a relief.
The certificate arrived and I'm now official.

(as soon as I buy a stamp and return an impression of it to DLEG)

Now I get to relax and enjoy life as a PE for a while. Maybe I'll sit down and scribble "P.E." onto all my business cards!

Hope everyone else gets their license soon!


My package from Engineerseals.com just showed up....





















Nothing is safe!!!!

I'm in, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



(P.S. Another engineer I work with received his license this last week also.)

I've just been lurking in this thread for quite a while, hoping not to jinx myself.

I finally showed up on the online database today too! With me and Doug today, I think the waiting is over for all of us Michigan EB'ers.

From those of you that already got your licenses, it looks like it takes 3-8 days for the license to show up in the mail. If I get mine in three days, it will be exactly 6 months from the exam date.

Congrats again everybody! :multiplespotting:
