Man Rules Violation #2

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Well, I was out on a date Thursday (not Ms. Applebottoms) and my date asked me ... about # of sexual partners.

I was like .. WHOA!! You can't be asking me for my number on the first date!!! That is client-confidential information!! :eek:hmy:

So, I was stuck there for a moment because it came out of left field. I mean, it wasn't like I was going to ask about her number and after all, once I expose mine, is she really going to offer me a fair testament to hers at that point?

Geez ... :smileyballs:



My answer is one. I have been with the same girl since 1997... :true:

There are so many ways that question can be answered without saying anything. The better you can distract the girl without actually answering is best.

Well, I was out on a date Thursday (not Ms. Applebottoms) and my date asked me ... about # of sexual partners.

I was like .. WHOA!! You can't be asking me for my number on the first date!!! That is client-confidential information!! :eek:hmy:

So, I was stuck there for a moment because it came out of left field. I mean, it wasn't like I was going to ask about her number and after all, once I expose mine, is she really going to offer me a fair testament to hers at that point?

Geez ... :smileyballs:


How about saying-

"As a mathematician, I would only say that if this date goes as I hope, it is N-1 what it will be tomorrow morning."

I would add, based on the pronouns and the information I know about you, I'm assuming you were on a date with a woman and I don't believe she can technically violate man-rules.

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The law of three's... men will mulitpy by three, women will divide by three. Didn't you learn anything from the 40yo virgin???

Well, I was out on a date Thursday (not Ms. Applebottoms) and my date asked me ... about # of sexual partners.
Well, the good news is you obviously passed the 15 sec determination she made as to whether she would in fact wanna do the unskinny bop w/ you.

A bit on the forward side perhaps. . .. and unfortunately an answer to that question may prompt even nosier questions like 'didja use protection w/ each & every one of them?' - she sounds like she might be a little unsecure, or simply even new to the dating for 'mature adults' routine.

I would add, based on the pronouns and the information I know about you, I'm assuming you were on a date with a woman and I don't believe she can technically violate man-rules.
I would agree... not a man law violation.... unless of course there is something you are not telling us.... however, I would think that team plays by a different set of rules.

Hmmmm. . . . maybe she felt intimidated by your obviously enormous prowess and experience in this area.

you can only violate man laws of youre a man. just because you guys have this weird bunch of unwritten rules that you NEVER violate in no way means im going to play along with your game. to amuse yourself i might follow a thread or two discussing them, but thats as far as it goes.

she probably asked bc boinking a virgin is not good. or theres guys like my exroommates new one whos number is in the triple digits. EWWWW.

as long as its reasonable nobody cares.

Generally is agreed there was no Man Law violation here -

You should throw a little Dr. Seuss at her reply thusly: "Should things progress that way, you certainly have a right to know about this , but right now, your right to know is not a 'right-now' right, right?"

I agree that this is an item that should be discussed at some point, preferably before any mattress surfing is involved. If I dated a girl my age I would expect she's been with a few guys, but if her answer was 50 it would raise some red flags.

I agree that this is an item that should be discussed at some point, preferably before any mattress surfing is involved. If I dated a girl my age I would expect she's been with a few guys, but if her answer was 50 it would raise some red flags.
Im sure her first thought would be 'why does he have flags in the bedroom?' ;)
Is there any chance that she knows Ms. Applebottom?
Nope .. no chance. Completely different circle of influence.

Did JR finally eat the bottom of the apple or else?
Umm .. I am not neither confirming nor denying at this point ...

Generally is agreed there was no Man Law violation here -
Technically, I agree - I was half asleep when I titled the thread. I was just like .. whoa, whoa lady .. you can't be asking me that !!! :blink:

The correct answer to that question is:
"My number doesnt matter because by the end of the night its going to be +1 anyway"
I will remember that response if I find myself in that position again ...



the problem with answering that question is that everyone has a different idea of what is "reasonable". I've got friends who have only ever been w/ 1 person... and would think that anything over 5 is "unreasonable". I've got other friends who had their first 10 long before they could vote... they would consider anything in the single digits to be "unreasonable" because of inexperience.
