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The funny thing is that the car, which is famously and visually, powered by a jet turbine, has a tach that runs off recip engine firings and goes to 10k RPM. WTF? :dunno:

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Sorry, the Batmobiles based off the extended Roadmaster Wagon frame were scrapped in the design phase. Something about Batman's lack of children and camping gear as an arguement against the additional model.

Sorry, the Batmobiles based off the extended Roadmaster Wagon frame were scrapped in the design phase. Something about Batman's lack of children and camping gear as an arguement against the additional model.
Sorry Master, but you are only mostly correct.
The exRMW plans were indeed scrapped, but it was sometime shortly after the design phase, and not before at least one proof-of-concept vehicle was completed.

We'll let the POC picture speak for itself.



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You may be correct, but that image is nothing more than an independent artist's rendering. Note that it has the familiar "script" marking of a Hearse.

However, I would still like to see the design incorporating the RMW.

Good Lord, the Munster Coach is humping the Batmobile. I wonder what the offspring will look like.

You may be correct, but that image is nothing more than an independent artist's rendering. Note that it has the familiar "script" marking of a Hearse.
However, I would still like to see the design incorporating the RMW.
That's not a Hearse script marking; it's a super-advanced Bat-weapon thingy used for capturing bad guys. The picture is clearly genuine.

"This isn't a cat license, this is merely a dog license with the word "dog" crossed out and "cat" written in with crayon."

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You may be correct, but that image is nothing more than an independent artist's rendering. Note that it has the familiar "script" marking of a Hearse.
However, I would still like to see the design incorporating the RMW.
That's not a Hearse script marking; it's a super-advanced Bat-weapon thingy used for capturing bad guys. The picture is clearly genuine.
Actually, I was told ALL Hearse "script" markings are detachable and intended for use as weapns in case the deceased turns into a zombie en route.
