How to calculate Peak Hour Volume?

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Mar 14, 2009
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Given a traffic counts for Left Turns, Straight Throughs, Right Turns, and Trucks.

Is there a factor for Left Turns, Right Turns, Trucks to equate them to passenger cars.

Isn't PHF = Peak volume in the 15min. interval / 4 * Peak Hour Volume 15 min. interval.

And this is after choosing the critical hour given a two hour count?

I'm just confused if there's a factor for the non straight through turns and trucks.


Given a traffic counts for Left Turns, Straight Throughs, Right Turns, and Trucks.
Is there a factor for Left Turns, Right Turns, Trucks to equate them to passenger cars.

Isn't PHF = Peak volume in the 15min. interval / 4 * Peak Hour Volume 15 min. interval.

And this is after choosing the critical hour given a two hour count?

I'm just confused if there's a factor for the non straight through turns and trucks.

I am no sure what you are trying to find, but if you need to equate tracks to a passenger car, find number of exles on a track and equate to axles of Also to find the length (storage capacity) of the left lane, look up ITE, 5th ad., p.332


L- storage length, ft

V- Peak 15-min flow rate, vph

K-number of sycle per hour

p-pecent of trucks or busses

25-the length of a typical pass. car, ft

Hope it helps

Thanks Tanya,
But take a look at this website. It's a wealth of knowledge and has an example regarding Peak Hour Volume. The multiply the turn movements by a factor to equate them to straight through passenger cars. I am just wondering if this is necessary or do we count left and right turn movements as 1. Thanks
I think, that problem from the website is interesting, but too complicated. We should have enough data to be able to make the problem in 6 mins. From my understanding we have equalize everything to ST Cars and than make a calculations. Basically they are looking for Design flow rate, which is calculated by knowing PHF and V. No rocket scientist. The only problem in this solution was to figure # of passenger’s cars.

My opinion is, that left and right turns are part of flow rate we are looking, and no coefic. required to figure data. Just culculate as a regular flow rate.

I may be wrong, if somebody knows better, please correct me.

Given a traffic counts for Left Turns, Straight Throughs, Right Turns, and Trucks.
Is there a factor for Left Turns, Right Turns, Trucks to equate them to passenger cars.

Isn't PHF = Peak volume in the 15min. interval / 4 * Peak Hour Volume 15 min. interval.

And this is after choosing the critical hour given a two hour count?

I'm just confused if there's a factor for the non straight through turns and trucks.

The Green Book has a better definition than HCM. Also refer to CERM
