HELP! Stuck in Michigan!

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I am stuck in Michigan. Don't get me wrong, I love this Great Lakes State in which I was born, beautiful blue lakes, wooded UP, and cider mills. But really, if that's all MI has to offer, then I'm leaving and I'll come visit twice a year. Spouse out of steady work for two years and I'm a stay-at-home-parent CE trying to get back to work. UGH! WTF am I supposed to do? Can't even get a Tim Horton's job to supplement our Unenjoyment Check. Yes! I have a serious attitude problem about this and rightfully so.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Are you serious?

I just moved to Michigan 1.5 yrs ago from Florida for an engineering job. I will PM you for more details if you are looking for work.


I live and work in the Lansing area. If I lost my job, I'd probably have to leave the state.

The last firm I worked for, has their three PEs sharing 80 hours per week.

The firm I worked for in Flint until 1999 just laid off about a dozen people. One of them was the guy who took my job.

Another PE that I worked with was laid off from his civil job in Saginaw, about 15 months ago. He's working for himself now (as much as he can) because he couldn't find employment.

I live and work in the Lansing area. If I lost my job, I'd probably have to leave the state.
The last firm I worked for, has their three PEs sharing 80 hours per week.

The firm I worked for in Flint until 1999 just laid off about a dozen people. One of them was the guy who took my job.

Another PE that I worked with was laid off from his civil job in Saginaw, about 15 months ago. He's working for himself now (as much as he can) because he couldn't find employment.
I certainly believe you. What's even more frustrating, is that I keep hearing about out-of-staters coming here to get jobs! I think I'll start to sell pies at the local farmers markets.

I think I'd do whatever I had to do to get a job, including moving out of state. It's certainly no secret that the rust belt states are suffering worse than most other states in this economy. My company just closed a huge office up there in GR. What kind of civil work did you do?
