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2-time 10K winner
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Frumunda my desk
We haven't heard one damn thing about Mohamar Quadafi or Charlie Sheen since the Tsunami hit Japan?

Our Mainstream media is like a hyper kid not taking their ritalin.

Hmmm.... over here, with our international version of CNN, we're getting plenty of Libya news. Even Fox seems to be covering it.

On the other hand, I agree that I have not heard much about Charlie Sheen since the Japan crisis, other than an excellent suggestion from a friend on Facebook that he be sent into the reactor to save the day just like Spock in The Wrath of Khan.

We haven't heard one damn thing about Mohamar Quadafi or Charlie Sheen since the Tsunami hit Japan?

Our Mainstream media is like a hyper kid not taking their ritalin.
I've heard/read several stories on the UN no fly zone this morning in Libya. I'm not sad to see the Charlie Sheen stories subside.

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he be sent into the reactor to save the day just like Spock in The Wrath of Khan.
Like. Good of the many outweighs the good of the one, that kind of thing. WINNING! Then we can launch his glowing corpse in to outer space. Lord knows it's already too toxic to bury under dirt anyway.

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Why should Sheen even be covered. That's not a story for Fox or CNN, but rather TMZ.

And, not only why is it that the media isn't covering Libya, why isn't our administration weighing in on the matter. We let FRANCE put the daddy pants on. That's jacked right there.
