Happy Birthday DVINNY!

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Thanks all !!!!!!

RG, you're not the first to say that. I have no idea how FB works. I didn't block it or anything. At least, I don't think. :D

Yeah, happy Birthday DVINNY!

I also do not understand the facebook birthday thing - I never receive notifications (that I knwo of) of friend's birthdays, but everyone else seems to just swarm on those dates, so there must be some setting I don't have checked.

Happy Birthday DVINNY!

:multiplespotting: :party-smiley-048:

and btw, my daughter tells me that anyone over 30 with a facebook account is a creeper.

I'm thinking she does not want me looking at her stuff

and btw, my daughter tells me that anyone over 30 with a facebook account is a creeper.
She has a point. Facebook was invented in 2004 for people in school. People who graduated college in 2003 or earlier should be over 30 (Doogie Hauser excluded).

I was out of town and just saw this. Happy Belated DV!!! Hope it was a great one. :multiplespotting:

