Happy 8K sschell!!

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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well... the rules are back in effect now.... Sap just pulled his fingers out of the dyke for an hour or so.

Sap just pulled his fingers out of the dyke for an hour or so.
I hope he didn't get any on him!

Congrats on 8k... Just think. Someone, somewhere, is paying to host at least 7,950 useless, empty posts, archived for all future generations to see.

^ hey EB Supporting Member, looks like it's you!

Ah crap. I just realized I failed to renew this year. Time to put a few bucks in Paypal and make my annual donation.

Annual??? I haven't donated since the first time. If Road Guy reads this and says he needs more donations, I will chip in again.

^I get a notice every year that my subscription is about to expire. Problem is that it won't let me renew until it has actually expired. By the time it actually expires, it has slipped off my radar and I don't renew for a few months.
