Halloween in Afghanistan

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
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Cincinnati...just Cincinnati!
While I was on R&R they decided to have an office Halloween party and the guys in my section decided on constumes. Since I wasn't here they didn't order me one and there wasn't enough time to get one here in time. Halloween night I headed over to the office after work to check out some of the other costumes and one of the guys came downstairs and asked me if I could go up to the office. Apparently, he had chickened out and they wanted me to fill in so the five of us headed downstairs as five big-boobed, beer wenches. Everyone was quite amused.

That's me on the left. Don't feel too sorry for the Airman being molested...he's the one who chickened out.

The next thing on the agenda was a digital scavanger hunt which would involve going out onto the base in our costumes. The Washington Redskin cheerleaders happened to be on base that day to do a show so one of the big point items on the hunt was a picture with a cheerleader. We jumped in the car and drove up to the clamshell (big tent that lifts open at the ends) where the cheerleaders were supposed to be and tried to sneak in the back. Didn't work so good...we were mobbed by people wanting pictures with us. It took us, literally 20 minutes to make our way over to a side door and another 10 minutes to get away from the people over there. They were doing a Madden Football tournament up on stage, but I'm pretty sure nobody was watching at that point. We finally made our way around the back where the cheerleaders should have been but they were running late. One of the soldiers thought it would be fun to announce they were here but then have us run out instead. It looked like most of the base had showed up for this thing so they all started going nuts...you could feel the wave of disappointment when we ran out, but there were a lot of laughs. After a few more pictures the cheerleaders finally got there and the soldier that announced us had a couple of them finally do a picture with us. It took us so long to get out of there that we wasted hald our one hour time limit at the clamshell. We'd already gotten a couple other things and the cheerleader picture was worth enough points that we ended up winning anyway. The guy who chickened out went with us to do the pictures and he was supposed to get video of us running on stage, but he was laughing so hard that he drops the camera.

That's some of us with one of the locals. I'm sure we just undid years of cultural relations.

Are those literally melons? Trying to figure out what's stuffed in the shirt on the left.

The costumes came with fake boobs that had spouts on the front so you could actually fill them up and dispense your beverage of choice.

And finally...the payoff for all the ridiculousness (in addition to the $20 gift card to the PX for winning the scavenger hunt)

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jeb: glad you guys are managing to have some laughs out there.

awesome pictures, thanks for posting.
