Ghostly Tales

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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When I was eleven or so, I went with my cousin and a friend of his to the abandonded house that was next to my grandma's. we'd played there for years, and this was a nice sunny day.

There was an old box spring on the front porch, and we were jumping up and down on it singing some song, when my cousin's friend looked down the hall and screamed. I looked theough the window into the living room and could see a gray tarnsucent shape coming down the hall, so, I screamed, too. By this time my cousin had seen it and all three of us went screaming, a$$es and elbows through the screen porch.

We laughed about it for years, and still played over there until the house was sold, but never saw it again. We all described it the same way, which kinda freaked our parents out.

Any good stories out there?

My sister is ghost magnet, if you believe in such things.

Over summer/winter breaks my sister used to work at a maternity clothing store. (Our mom was the store manager before the company got bought out and closed the location) She would work the closing shift by herself and as she was vacuuming the plug would get pulled out of the wall and thrown to the floor. She would go over and plug it back in and continue vacuum only for it to happen again. I personally checked out the plug and outlet, there was no way it could have just fallen out. It was in the outlet too tight. This happened anytime she worked by herself.

My sister hates being alone in my parents basement. Her and a friend were in the basement looking through the movies and as they glanced over to the tv they saw a ghostly reflection on the screen. My sister knew who it looked like but didn't say anything. they just ran up stairs and watched the movie up there. A few weeks later they were flipping through one of our family photo albums and they passed the page with my grandfathers picture and her friend just about had a heart attack...she said that was the person's reflection she saw on the tv screen.

Again, my sister was desparate to get rid of her old car. She would routinely see a guy sitting in the back seat when looking in the rear view mirror. The moment she would turn to look back at the seat and then back to the mirror there was nothing there.

As far as me personally, I can only tell you what my mom told me that happened as I don't remember it.

When I turned 3 my parents bought me the fisher price tea set. One day I was in my room playing and my mom heard me talking to someone. She came up to my room to see and all she saw was me having tea. She asked me who I was talking to and apparently I said Grandma Snick (which is actually a difficult polish last name). I said the name perfectly. But she was the grandma I had never met because she died before I was born and I didn't know how to saymy mom maiden name at that point in my life.

I have been able to write off a couple other incidents to sleep paralysis. SUPER scary and tend to happen when mr snick is out of town...go figure.

Got married at the infamous Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO. My wife went to school with one of the security guards who worked there and the stories he would tell would get the hair on the back of your neck to stand on end.

The night before the wedding, the entire wedding party had multiple "encounters" including the sounds of children playing in the hallway, doors getting unlocked and opened (my room), lights turned on/off randomly, figures seen in various places, etc. We didnt have any issues the night of the wedding, but I attribute that to the fact that most of the wedding party was drunk and "preoccupied" (including skinny dipping in the outdoor pool at 3am). The rooms we were staying in were all up on the 4th floor where it is rumored most of the activity is experienced (aside from the ballroom).

Back when I was a tweener and early teenager, I was really into ghosts, UFOs, the Bermuda Triangle, etc. In a book I was reading, a dead relative phoned their daughter and spoke with her. I told my grandmother about it, and she said it happened to her.

She said she couldn’t recall if it was a dream, or actually happened, since it occurred late at night, but she said her mother called her one night shortly after she’d passed and spoke with her. I can’t recall now what Nana told me she said, but it was sorta eerie. We spoke about it for a while and she promised that she’d try to call me when she died.

Fast forward twenty five years and it was spring of ’03 and I was out of work. Nana had been going downhill for a while, and was living at a relative’s house. I visited her every other day or so, but skipped this day because I had some tapes I wanted to dub. There’s always tomorrow right?

So its 4:53 in the afternoon, and I’m sitting on the bedroom floor copying music videos from one tape to another. The phone rings, but I didn’t get up because I had to constantly watch the tape player because it was old and would cut off at random times; you had to restart it instantly or you’d screw up the tape.

So the phone rings six times, which is odd because it was set to pick up after four. After the taping is done, another couple of minutes later, I get up to check. No message. Then I check the incoming phone log, and nothing is noted, which is weird because the caller is captured at the second ring. I’m perplexed.

A few minutes after five, Mom called, and told me Nana had passed. I asked her if she just called and she said, “No, you were my first call. We’ve been sitting with her.”

“She died at 4:53, didn’t she?” I asked?

“Yeah. How’d you know that?”

I still wish I’d picked up the phone that time.

This was kinda weird. I was reading in bed Saturday when I heard someone out in the street (I thought) saying, "Hello! Hello!" It was about 8:20, and my first thought as it was a work crew I called, but then I figured they'd ring the doorbell. I heard "Hello!" One more time, then it got quiet.

Next I heard, "Help me!" I listened and after a few seconds, i again heard, "Help me!" I threw on some clothes and ran outside, thinking maybe a neighbor had fallen or something, but I didn't see anything. Didn't hear it again, either. After I came inside, I felt a wave of sadness I couldn't shake.

Freaky. I know it doesn't sound that way, but it was.
