Election Day

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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well its primary day here in Georgia, there were more poll workers than voters at my precinct...

Most people dont seem to care about local elections but maybe one day people will realize that the guy or gal who votes to allow someone to build a tattoo parlor in your neighborhood has probably more to do with YOU than those bafoons in Washington....

I wish our primaries were this late in the yr...then the political ads wouldn't be around so long. Ours are in Feb

nothing, but what I was trying to say was the people over zoning and "stuff" at the local level can mess you up just as bad as the goof balls in washington

the same ones that will approve high density right in your backyard, etc, etc,

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Are zoning board members elected there? Here they're just appointed.

they are appointed but any zoning requests (with a major land use change) that they approve has to also be approved by the elected officials...

i never cared about it either until I saw it up close to be honest...we had 25% show up for a primary...
