eclipse last night

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Taking suggestions
Nov 3, 2006
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unpadded cell
Did anyone see the lunar eclipse last night/this morning? I couldn't see it from the house and I wasn't going to go outside in the middle of the night. So I missed it.

It was cloudy here last night, so I didn't see the point to missing sleep for it.

We had a great view here in South FL. with clear skies. It was really cool as it won't happen on a winter solstice for another 300+ years.

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The weather called for clear skies, so a lot of folks woke up to watch it. It wasn't clear at all...quite cloudy in fact.

They got so pi$$ed at the weathermen that they slammed the station message board with complaints, and the station made the thread vanish and started a new one.

Here's the remnants of the attitude:

For the record, I did't get up and watch because I saw the clouds moving in earlier.

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I woke up to pee (as I always do at 3am) and tried to peek out the window but I saw nothing...too cloudy.

Saw it! The eclipse was a maximum right as the moon rose out here, which meant it was so dim that we couldn't see it until it got a little darker outside, and the moon was up quite a bit higher. But it was still pretty close to maximum when we did see it.

It was browner than it was orangey this time. I remember the 2008(?) August lunare eclipse being more reddish/orangey.

Cool night, though. We had a large group of friends meet up on the ridgeline of the island to run a Full Moon trail run, but most everyone just wanted to drink beer, so we ran about 2 minutes down the road and started drinking around the bonfire there, and watched the eclipse fade away.
