EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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I’ve been assumed to be a man a couple times when I first joined. @RBHeadge PE figured out my gratuitous use of emojis meant I was prob a girl. The invite to the girls only forum was only after I’d been here for at least a year, I think, hahahahaha. 
I never got an invite had to ask to join, 😭😭😭

It's real :p

I apologize for posting it in the middle of an ongoing game, felt quite intrusive but I was unsure where else to post it and was directed here!
Welcome, and thanks for the invitation! Looks like fun. We as a group will probably have to discuss it...in the mean time, we always like new players, so feel free to join us for future games. :)

Welcome, and thanks for the invitation! Looks like fun. We as a group will probably have to discuss it...in the mean time, we always like new players, so feel free to join us for future games. :)
Just wanted to mention - the deadline for selecting a rep if you'd like to participate is May 1, though a bit earlier would be preferred for scheduling logistics! That said, if you need a bit more time, that could be extended a bit. I'd love to see someone from here participate; definitely let me know if you have any questions!

Just wanted to mention - the deadline for selecting a rep if you'd like to participate is May 1, though a bit earlier would be preferred for scheduling logistics! That said, if you need a bit more time, that could be extended a bit. I'd love to see someone from here participate; definitely let me know if you have any questions!
I don't know if anyone is interested, but in my opinion the obvious selection is @RBHeadge PE. RB you have to best grasp of strategy, game theory, and  scenario planning of all of us.
