EB Mafia

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I said:

By that logic, why aren't you suspicious of me?  I was on RB's Mafia + list and probably have the most inconsistent voting record of the four of us.  @DuranDuran was the first to vote out square, but I led the charge against someone who ended up being innocent.  

You aren't suspicious of me because you already know I'm a townie.

@tj_PE I vote for @Dothracki

And then @Dothracki conveniently decided to vote for me.

C'mon y'all.

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I said:

By that logic, why aren't you suspicious of me?  I was on RB's Mafia + list and probably have the most inconsistent voting record of the four of us.  @DuranDuran was the first to vote out square, but I led the charge against someone who ended up being innocent.  

You aren't suspicious of me because you already know I'm a townie.

@tj_PE I vote for @Dothracki

And then @Dothracki conveniently decided to vote for me.

C'mon y'all.
Sorry, I missed this. I had been considering you as mafia all along, but then your conversation with @MadamPirate PE this morning kind of swayed me from that idea. Now I am really just so confused on not sure who to vote for anymore. I promise you I am not mafia and voting for me would be detrimental to the town.

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@Dothracki oh ok, you conveniently suspected me all along but never voiced it until I called you out. That makes TOTAL sense.

I think I’ve been pretty transparent about suspecting all three of you at some point, as well as my shoddy voting record. Why? Because I’m an actual townie. But I never crossed your radar until I called your logic out, because you knew I was a townie this whole time.

@Dothracki oh ok, you conveniently suspected me all along but never voiced it until I called you out. That makes TOTAL sense.

I think I’ve been pretty transparent about suspecting all three of you at some point, as well as my shoddy voting record. Why? Because I’m an actual townie. But I never crossed your radar until I called your logic out, because you knew I was a townie this whole time.
I'm sorry I try not to be confrontational, but I guess that is not good for this game. I understand now that that makes me look very suspicious. FNG screwing up the game once again.
