EB Mafia

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And got called into a meeting. Am I dead? 👻 
Did I get to see the penguins first at least?

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@Roarbarkwas frolicking with the penguins when the entire group abandoned them on the beach. He didn't realize these penguins liked to eat humans. The little pecks weren't little pecks. They were appetizing tastes! @Roarbarkwas DEDDED by choice of the town. He was normal townsfolk. 
Thank you. I have several penguin figurines in my room. I accept this death. 👻

Thank you. I have several penguin figurines in my room. I accept this death. 👻
Mrs Headge and I collect glass penguins too. We like penguins and have planned vacations around seeing them. We've seen 13 of 18 species. Eventually we'll do a trip to the south island of New Zealand and Macquarie Island to see the last five species.

Mrs Headge and I collect glass penguins too. We like penguins and have planned vacations around seeing them. We've seen 13 of 18 species. Eventually we'll do a trip to the south island of New Zealand and Macquarie Island to see the last five species.
I have 2 or 3 glass ones, a rock one, one carved out of ivory nut (I think?), and one plastic one I found on the road in my neighborhood :).

Does that mean you've been to Galapagos to see these little guys?


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Yes. We did the Galapagos three years ago. We specifically went in late September when they are most active. We snorkeled with them in Tagus Cove and Bartolome. It was fucking awesome!

Seen: Adelie, African, Chinstrap, Emperor, Galapagos, Gentoo, Humboldt, King, Little Blue, Macaroni, Magellanic, Northern Rockhopper, Southern Rockhopper

Not seen (yet): Erect-crested, Fjiorland, Royal, Snares, Yellow Eyed

Yes. We did the Galapagos three years ago. We specifically went in late September when they are most active. We snorkeled with them in Tagus Cove and Bartolome. It was fucking awesome!

Seen: Adelie, African, Chinstrap, Emperor, Galapagos, Gentoo, Humboldt, King, Little Blue, Macaroni, Magellanic, Northern Rockhopper, Southern Rockhopper

Not seen (yet): Erect-crested, Fjiorland, Royal, Snares, Yellow Eyed
Ty for the new bucket list item. 

What would you name it if you discovered a new penguin (I know, hard/impossible question if we don't know what the new species looks like...)

After the penguin and coastal drive, the crew settled in gansbaai for the night at their airbnb with an infinity pool. When they wake up, they notice something floating in the water. They walk out to discover that @vhab49_PEis floating face down and non responsive. @vhab49_PEwas killed in the night. 

After the penguin and coastal drive, the crew settled in gansbaai for the night at their airbnb with an infinity pool. When they wake up, they notice something floating in the water. They walk out to discover that @vhab49_PEis floating face down and non responsive. @vhab49_PEwas killed in the night. 
Thank the good lord. How did I make it into week two?

After the penguin and coastal drive, the crew settled in gansbaai for the night at their airbnb with an infinity pool. When they wake up, they notice something floating in the water. They walk out to discover that @vhab49_PEis floating face down and non responsive. @vhab49_PEwas killed in the night. 
I mean... avenge me townies.
