EB Mafia

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@tj_PE lead the group into Dining, musing about what color of dining room table she would like. @ChebyshevII PE and @jean15paul_PE looked at the expanding tabletops together, giggling at how the leaves hid neatly underneath. They pulled a table apart, and @ChebyshevII PE decided to stand in the opening. "Look, it's like a sunroof!" As @ChebyshevII PE doubled over laughing, a herd of 103 children came screaming and running into Dining. They ran straight into the table, slamming one side into @ChebyshevII PE's spine, with a loud CRACK! He gasped in pain as the rest of the children pushed the table over. Having been paralyzed when his spine was damaged, he was unable to extricate himself from the table and was crushed.

The town lynched @ChebyshevII PE. He was a normal townsperson.

Remaining players: @jean15paul_PE @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @Audi driver, P.E. @chart94 @Roarbark @DuranDuran @vhab49_PE

As a reminder, we will be taking a break over the weekend. The mafia kill will pick up Monday morning. 
Fucj, sorry @ChebyshevII PE

Latest eval 

Roar - Me :)
Txj - voting history, mob leadership skills (incensed mob to get Ryan)
Duran - Voting history, read
@jean15paul_PE - Slight lean town (similar reads to me so far, votes)
@Audi driver, P.E. - expected Town by mafia vote on Day 2 (?)

Neutral (Ignored Fish guy's will, voted for others (Roar, Audi?)
@chart94 - Neutral *
@JayKay PE - Neutral *
@vhab49_PE - Neutral

Latest eval 

Roar - Me :)
Txj - voting history, mob leadership skills (incensed mob to get Ryan)
Duran - Voting history, read
@jean15paul_PE - Slight lean town (similar reads to me so far, votes)
@Audi driver, P.E. - expected Town by mafia vote on Day 2 (?)

Neutral (Ignored Fish guy's will, voted for others (Roar, Audi?)
@chart94 - Neutral *
@JayKay PE - Neutral *
@vhab49_PE - Neutral
Dang I'm sorry @ChebyshevII PE.  

I have to say that atm, @vhab49_PE is at the tippity top of my suspish list, but I also want to be careful and not vote another another innocent person.

Dang I'm sorry @ChebyshevII PE.  

I have to say that atm, @vhab49_PE is at the tippity top of my suspish list, but I also want to be careful and not vote another another innocent person.
I AM A TOWNIE!  And you all should know by now that I get twitchy when I lie, and I have not been twitchy this round.  Distracted  and absent, yes, but the studying makes me oh so sleepy.

Latest eval 

Roar - Me :)
Txj - voting history, mob leadership skills (incensed mob to get Ryan)
Duran - Voting history, read
@jean15paul_PE - Slight lean town (similar reads to me so far, votes)
@Audi driver, P.E. - expected Town by mafia vote on Day 2 (?)

Neutral (Ignored Fish guy's will, voted for others (Roar, Audi?)
@chart94 - Neutral *
@JayKay PE - Neutral *
@vhab49_PE - Neutral
What do the stars mean?

After the chaos in Dining, @tj_PE informed the group they were headed for Bedrooms. She wanted both a new mattress and a new bedframe, so the group scattered. @txjennah PE flagged down an IKEA employee, to ask what their favorite bed was. The employee dragged @txjennah PE over to the BRIMNES, explaining how the headboard storage was really excellent, as well as the underbed storage. The IKEA employee bent down and opened one of the underbed drawers to show @txjennah PE, and screamed in terror before passing out. @jean15paul_PE was dead, crammed into the drawer. 


@jean15paul_PE was killed by the mafia. 

Remaining players: @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @Audi driver, P.E. @chart94 @Roarbark @DuranDuran @vhab49_PE

Last edited by a moderator:

Damn. @ChebyshevII PE Actually felt you were telling the truth in your response to my questions, but the game data/voting record still pointed against you strong enough to counter.

@MadamPirate PE did you just have Cheb get manslaughtered by his own children?

@vhab49_PE and @chart94 What are you thoughts now :( ?
@txjennah PE How bout you?

Sorry, I missed this question on Friday.  My thoughts... are not clear at all.  

Townie ++

I did not get a PM, this leads me to believe I am a townie.

Townie +

Neutral/Not enough info for impression


@chart94 Is he even playing?


Mafia +

@JayKay PE 

@txjennah PE suspish of me, thus I suspish of her.


@Audi driver, P.E. gotta be. 
