Conrete curing question

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
New York
Does anyone remember a question regarding concrete curing times and temperatures? I vaguely remember a question about this but can't remember what it was asking. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Thanks.

If you are talking about on the actual PE exam, I highly suggest you stop trying to remember it...or at least don't post about it if you do remember it.

Does anyone remember a question regarding concrete curing times and temperatures? I vaguely remember a question about this but can't remember what it was asking. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Thanks.
Look up the topic of concrete maturity - that's what it sounds like you are talking about ... that way you can review the topic without revealing particulars about the test question

Does anyone remember a question regarding concrete curing times and temperatures? I vaguely remember a question about this but can't remember what it was asking. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Thanks.
Look up the topic of concrete maturity - that's what it sounds like you are talking about ... that way you can review the topic without revealing particulars about the test question
Will do. Thanks.

If you are talking about on the actual PE exam, I highly suggest you stop trying to remember it...or at least don't post about it if you do remember it.
That's all I'm really going to say about it. Thanks.
I just didn't want you to make a career-ending error in judgment. It has happened on these forums before.

If you are talking about on the actual PE exam, I highly suggest you stop trying to remember it...or at least don't post about it if you do remember it.
That's all I'm really going to say about it. Thanks.
I just didn't want you to make a career-ending error in judgment. It has happened on these forums before.
Thanks. Even if I did remember that particular type of question in detail; I wouldn't post it. I imagine that violates a litany of legal stuff.
