Cation the photo, 1-5-11

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
I'll take a stab, like last time, at a caption.

Man 1) Well, now that we see how much room we're working with, I really don't think the Mustang Ranch sign will fit.

Man 2) She's still a whore.

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From down the hall....."Could someone get that bithces sign off the wall above my door?"

First guy......."Yes sir speaker Boehner, Hey intern.....grab that sign when I take the screws out"

Second Guy...."Yes sir"

I think this may actually be more accurate than just funny.

Sounds like she already took it from a bigtime Boehner.

I rarely vote Republican, But a Dick and a Bush and a Boehner would have made for an interesting administration.

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