Caption the photo 9-16-10

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
"Holy toledo, the odds of seeing two completely uncoordinated yet nearly simultaneously posted 'Caption the Photos' on EB in the same day is about as likely as seeing two pairs of pinstriped Levis in the same photo. Can the Zombie Apacolypse be far behind?"

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And posted at almost the same time!!!

The time/space continuum has been breached!!!!

As hard as it is to believe Superman's final wardrobe selection, of underwear over tights, was far more intimidating than his first choice.

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Oh yeah? Whadda you lookin' at????

or should it be

Oh Yeth? Whadda you lookin' at????

Kirk: "Spock, someone is coming up behind us."

Spock: "Wait!! Let me double back around and come up behind her!"

"I'm going to grab his nuts and bring him down" thought the midget woman.

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Is that hot chick checking out my ass? Because I'm thinking that this leather thong is starting to pay dividends, even if it chafes.
