Are we becoming like ppl in Wall-E

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Awesome! Now you dont even have to stand up on your Segway!

I dunno, there's a huge difference between a couple of obviously upper class hotties running around on a slick Sony gizmo, versus your average Wal Mart American rolling around on one of those things. Much like the Segway, it'd have a niche market, and nothing more. I certainly would only want one to take it apart and see how it works...

I dunno, there's a huge difference between a couple of obviously upper class hotties running around on a slick Sony gizmo, versus your average Wal Mart American rolling around on one of those things. Much like the Segway, it'd have a niche market, and nothing more. I certainly would only want one to take it apart and see how it works...
I think you have to be as skinny as those chicks just to ride that thing. Any fatter than that it might get lost or stuck somewhere it shouldnt...

If they could adapth the wheel concept to auto tires, parallel parking would be a breeze.

Personal mobility... I think I like having legs that work.

loosely quoted "both hands are free so you can carry things and walk". i dont know about you guys but i dont typically use my hands to walk.

stupid as its advertised but i could see other uses.

Only two real questions remain - what's the top speed, and will Travis Pastrana be the first to do a back flip on one?

loosely quoted "both hands are free so you can carry things and walk". i dont know about you guys but i dont typically use my hands to walk.
stupid as its advertised but i could see other uses.
When you're an anorexic woman as shown in the video, you might need extra support.

I like how they both constantly put their toes on the ground. It's as though they're thinking "we're going to eat sh*t at any moment."

I like how they both constantly put their toes on the ground. It's as though they're thinking "we're going to eat sh*t at any moment."
I was wondering what the deal was with that. I have a feeling dragging the toes serves as some sort of reference point or center of drag, or something.
