Annual performance reviews

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Master slacker

Something awesome.
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Da Bayou
Is it just my company, or do y'all have a similar situation? Every October we are asked to provide feedback for both ourselves and others on goals set forth in the current year. Oh, by the way, annual goals are approved in April.

So, in short:

1) Annual goals approved in April of each year, and

2) Annual goals reviewed in October of each year.

That's 6 months to produce results on 12-month goals. WTF? :huh:

you forgot you are supposed to have mindreading powers and just know ahead of time what your new goals are going to be.

They just finished a round of reviews, which they haven't done in the past 6 yrs. The only reason they did it now was there was a FOIA request for all state employee annual reivews which caused some major problems.

I'm scheduled to have my annual performance review either this week or next. I started in June, and I was supposed to be given bonus targets for my first 6 months and my expected maximum bonus. That didn't happen, so I've been trudging along a path towards unknown goals. Rumor has it that our semi-annual bonuses are very nice, so I hope I get one even though I've never been given a goal.

Is it just my company, or do y'all have a similar situation? Every October we are asked to provide feedback for both ourselves and others on goals set forth in the current year. Oh, by the way, annual goals are approved in April.
So, in short:

1) Annual goals approved in April of each year, and

2) Annual goals reviewed in October of each year.

That's 6 months to produce results on 12-month goals. WTF? :huh:
I think we work for the same company.

I did my annual review two Friday's ago. There's an electronic review, then a one-on-one interview. My reviewers basically mirrored what I put down for myself. Then my boss and I went to a brewery where we watched a lovely young lady with a nice backside standing on a stool on her tip toes so she could hang a sign and write a new special on the chalkboard. He said "review OK?" I said "yep." Then we drank some more beer.

I have a great boss.

I had a review by the world's most incompetant boss. He forgot he had to review me, and thus ran out of points in his quota to award. I ended up with a worse appraisal than the intern.

I had a review by the world's most incompetant boss. He forgot he had to review me, and thus ran out of points in his quota to award. I ended up with a worse appraisal than the intern.
a points and ranking system...that sounds like loads of fun. That seams like something that could get revised but he was just too lazy to do it.

Hopefully there was a note attached to your personel file to explain.

I'm going to work for a startup equipment manufacturer. We're making equipment for water/wastewater treatment plants. It looks like it's going to be a great job and I'm going to learn alot. They're based here so I don't have to move and the money situation should be a lot better.

I've been at my job just over 2 years and am still waiting for my 3 month probationary review.
Their basic attitude is if I was screwing up, I woulda heard about it by now.
At my last job they had a 3 month probationary period that was to be followed by a review and raise if things were working out. The 3 months came and went and there was no review. I was fine with it because the raise was showing up in my paycheck, but why not follow through with the review? One of the many reasons I'm no longer there.

At my current job my boss is terrible about giving performance assessments. They are supposed to be due around your hiring anniversary but he usually does everyone's at the end of the year when he's getting yelled at by his boss. It's always the same old you're doing well, we need to have a beer sometime.

I had a review by the world's most incompetant boss. He forgot he had to review me, and thus ran out of points in his quota to award. I ended up with a worse appraisal than the intern.
a points and ranking system...that sounds like loads of fun. That seams like something that could get revised but he was just too lazy to do it.
No, he'd have had to redo everyone's. He spread my 'allotted points' across all the engineers in my group. So they all did really well.

Hopefully there was a note attached to your personel file to explain.
Nope, but on subsequent reviews after I moved from that position, all I had to do was mention the guy's name and what happened, and everyone understood. bad thing was they could only raise or lower reviews by 2 points without resorting to reams of paperwork. So every year I went up by two points..

We get rated in a 3 x 3 matrix with the top left box being the best and the bottom right being the worst. We have individual criteria that are scored on that scale. Last year I received mostly top left boxes on all of the individual criteria so when they were averaged out, my total review should have resulted in me getting the highest rating possible, until it went up the chain and they arbitraritly decided that I should be rated in the center square.

Sorry, but they're looking for results. Everyone's bonus (paid out in March) and annual pay increase depends on the status of their goals right now. The bottom 10% of performers have one year to perform better lest they want to walk out the gate never to return...

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