An unfortunate name

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RIP - VTEnviro

His Memory Eternal
Apr 25, 2006
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Frozen Plains of the North
Scratch 'Harry Baals' off list of names for government centerA former Fort Wayne, Ind., mayor who won four terms is proving less popular with current city leaders, who say they probably won't name a new government center for him because of the jokes his moniker could inspire.
I bet this story may ruffle Testee's feathers a little.

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Just give him a highway instead.

I'm riding the Harry Baals!

I met a really nice fellow a few weeks ago by the name of Harry Johnson. :true:

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I think that center would be a great hangout.

I always felt a bit bad for peter Fonda. I suspect that in his college career, the first day roll was called, he'd hear, "Fonda, Peter? Fonda, Peter? Who's Fonda, Peter." and he'd have to raise his hand.

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I always felt a bit bad for peter Fonda. I suspect that in his college career, the first day roll was called, he'd hear, "Fonda, Peter? Fonda, Peter? Who's Fonda, Peter." and he'd have to raise his hand. my pants.

On one of my waterline extension projects, we signed up a new customer named Richard Holster.

I always got a kick outta that. Dick Holster. I said if he were French, his name would be Jacque Strappe

I guy I knew in middle / high school was named John Harold Long. I don't know if its true or not, but his parents once told us that they were planning on using his two grandfathers first names, Harold and Richard, until they realized that in the Last name first presentation, that could be construed as Long, Harry Dick.

When I was growing up, I knew a kid named Robert Gay. That's right, Gay, Bob.

The original founders of McDonald's were brothers Richard "Dick" and Maurice "Mac" McDonald. They chose to name the signature sandwich the Big Mac for the obvious reason.

Kroc bought it from the McDonald brothers, who failed to retain naming rights and had to rename their resteraunts Big M.

Kroc was a MixMaster salesman who went to see the McDonald's operation after they placed an order for eight MixMasters. he liked what he saw and bought the business.

Kroc bought it from the McDonald brothers, who failed to retain naming rights and had to rename their resteraunts Big M.
Kroc was a MixMaster salesman who went to see the McDonald's operation after they placed an order for eight MixMasters. he liked what he saw and bought the business.
...after MANY years of working for the McDonald brothers and setting up the entire franchise system for them. Ray Croc made the brothers a lot of money before he eventually bought them out.

Kroc bought it from the McDonald brothers, who failed to retain naming rights and had to rename their resteraunts Big M.
Kroc was a MixMaster salesman who went to see the McDonald's operation after they placed an order for eight MixMasters. he liked what he saw and bought the business.
...after MANY years of working for the McDonald brothers and setting up the entire franchise system for them. Ray Croc made the brothers a lot of money before he eventually bought them out.
It really wasn't MANY years (1954-1961 according to Wikipedia). He liked the franchise concept they developed and partnered with them. They were quite content with their income from a small nuimber of franchises that the partnership established, but Kroc wanted to really expand. Kroc bought them out and that's when the world domination started.

As long as this thread it totally derailed...

I'm in an MBA program at night. Many of the students there are from India, and they are all software engineers. (Think Samir from Office Space.)

Apparently, McDonalds is considered to be a place to take a date on a Friday night. As opposed to here, where it would be seen as so cheap you'd get smacked in the face.

And this is from well educated, white collar folks in modern, progressive areas. Just interesting I thought.

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