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  1. P

    Vertical Curve Problem

    Alright ya that makes sense now. What i did was find the distance from the PVT to the approaching tangent using: Y=((g2-g1)/2L)*(x)^2= -28.5m. Than i subtracted another 1.3m, so -28.5-1.3=-29.8 Than solving -29.8=((g2-g1)/2L)*(L)^2 for L I got 993.33m. Than found the elevation 281m from the...
  2. P

    Vertical Curve Problem

    When i calculated i got the same numbers as you. However, after looking into it more, it seems as if the tangent will be raised 1.59m not lowered? I found that that the original distance from the tangent to the curve is 28.5m and the distance using a 897m curve is 26.91m which means the curve...
  3. P

    Vertical Curve Problem

    Hey guys i was wondering if you could help me understand this problem.. I don't really know where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated!