Also just in case anyone was curious, I have been studying for the exam using the online "learning hub" through PPI. It's an online database of practice problems, quizzes, and books. I have also found several errors in these practice problems. Most of the errors are in the solutions to the...
Pages 381,382,383,385,386,387,389,390,391,393,394,395,397,398,399,401,402,403 Property charts for R22, R123, R134a, R410a, R717, R1234yf all have Enthalpy in units of Btu/lb-F. This is a typo and should read Btu/lb.
Has anyone else tried to solve problems using the psychrometric chart in the reference manual? I tried using only the chart in the PDF, since that's all I will have on exam day. It's almost impossible to use, especially if you have to use the sensible heat ratio. Hopefully they will present the...
Has anyone noticed that table 1.2.1 Properties of Air at Atmospheric Pressure, the columns for Kinematic and Absolute Viscosity seem off? Nothing seems to match what I am getting using NIST Refprop.
From what I can tell, it looks like the table says "centistokes" for kinematic viscosity but it...