Yeah unless I was lied too ( are chat bots capable of lying? If so they will probably become self aware soon) then the grading workshop is June 7 & June 8, so results around June 14.
My best Guess is April 2021 is when they will start to use the IBC 2018 and it's corresponding code versions, but I have no data to base that off of. Does anyone know when the test changed to IBC 2015? And to IBC 2012?
Haha no worries! And I will gladly eat my words if that means that for some reason the grading workshop is at an earlier date. Who knows, "Ashlei" at NCEES could be wrong and just appeasing me so that I won't ask anymore!
I thought about this method but did a simplified version for the very reasons you said - didn't want the extra bookkeeping, and didn't want to spend too much time looking through every problem before solving them.
My method was I just did all 32 non bridge problems in a row, skipping the...
Just looked up the TI-36X Pro, It looks like it's basically the updated version of the TI-30XS Multiview, adding capabilities such as a solver, integrals and derivatives.
If I were to get a new calculator I'd get the TI-36X Pro.
TI-30XS Multiview - 4 lines of view at a time (but can scroll up for previous lines), Can copy input or output from previous lines, simple, is cheap, and is durable. Have had it since I was a freshman in College (9 years).