One thing I don't understand, who in their right mind would let even a sanitation guy understand the architecture of a battle ship.......a little too careless by the First Order freaks.
I know ....imagine how it feels when you want to say that and you have the Mrs. sitting only 1 feet away from you.
How much I wish the force was with me.
To quantify what Ford earned....hold your breath...34.7 million dollars and still counting and all the residual checks to come every time the movie is shown on TV, Netflix and the 100 of other outlets play it.
The only inference I could draw is, this movie was a vehicle to usher in the next generation of characters in Star Wars, and with a nice story by the way.
I may be wrong, but Fin's moral compass appeared to be too strong for him to be like Han. Han was a maverick right from the moment we were introduced to him, but well....with a chick like Rey I guess it will be more than easy to lose your moral compass.
It won't. The Mrs extorted a booking for tonight show. This Star Wars mania must stop. I am fed up seeing little kids dressed in freakish dresses in the mall, chipotle and playing with stupid kind of swords.