Apollo 11 Hoax

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Or at the very least, "Google Moon Street View" so we can all locate the US Flag on our own. :thumbs:
The flag is likely faded to white by now. I guess the French can claim they were there first.

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A population that needs warning labels to tell them their coffee is hot...

Its actually an interesting case study if you read past the headlines of the case (something foreigners cant do ;) ).  I think what also made it worse is that the incident involved an 81 year old.


Its not cited here in wiki - but when I caught some of the HBO story on this, this particular McDonald's had been cited by the "main office" for serving coffee "too hot" many times

I know the full back-story. That particular McD's had been violating safe food requirements and had been cited multiple times. Lady got some nasty burns because of it.

However, most companies do follow safe food prep requirements and they still have to put the warnings on despite the fact that people order a hot beverage, they still need to be legally warned that they're getting what they ordered.

People still need to be "warned" for stupid shit because they'll claim ignorance in the courts: "Warning: This device moves" - found on Razor scooters...

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Does any of this really matter?  We are all living in a simulated reality where there was no moon landing because there is no moon.  There is no McDonald's hot coffee because there is no hot coffee.

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and so on and so on.

Have a cookie Neo.


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