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  1. E

    CA PE May 2024 results

    Let us know how it turns out!
  2. E

    New Member, Florida EIT, soon to be PE

    Welcome to EngineerBoards!
  3. E

    “No, mother, it’s just the northern lights.” (2024)

    Seeing the northern lights is the one thing on my bucket list. A friend worked tech at Denali and when he told me they may sounds it flipped some sort of switch and I've been obsessed ever since.
  4. E

    “No, mother, it’s just the northern lights.” (2024)

    I missed it too due to the rain.
  5. E

    Where are the old regulars?

    Anything else need to be done?
  6. E

    Where are the old regulars?

    No worries.
  7. E

    What do you do that is not engineering?

    I get it. I have forums I go curse on. The filter is more about the technical content than anything else, but there's no way to restrict on a sub-forum basis so it applies to all. Let me see what I can do though. Like I said, I would like to revisit, but I do hear what you're all saying.
  8. E

    What do you do that is not engineering?

    I would prefer not while we decide the tone of things. If that's something we can revisit down the road I would appreciate that.
  9. E

    Where are the old regulars?

    I mean, yeah. It's unfortunate. I acknowledge the magnitude of what happened. If the board can be restored, great, that would be amazing. I'm totally down for that. If anyone wants to help with that, freaking fantastic. I'm not going to be able to do anything alone. Kind of defeats the point of...
  10. E

    Where are the old regulars?

    Like I said, I'm just making things right. I think if anything positive results from any actions taken it will take time. I very much understand and acknowledge your feelings on this.
  11. E

    Where are the old regulars?

    I agree. I'm more interested in making things right if I can than anything else.
  12. E

    New Member - Hawaii

    Welcome to the community!
  13. E

    Where are the old regulars?

    So deletion instead of setting up the forums and proper permissions? Either way, reporting them would bee the fastest way to get them to me. You could also send me a pm with all the links.
  14. E

    Where are the old regulars?

    If you'd like to report them that would be the quickest way I can take action. I need to set up a forum to put them in, then restrict access and all that for that to work, but if you see them, report them and I will get them out of view for now at the very least. Thank you for your help...
  15. E

    Where are the old regulars?

    You are absolutely correct, unfortunately. I've been going through things and it looks bleak. I know it doesn't mean much at this point but I'm sorry. Sparky has been let go and I am the new admin. I would be happy to unban people but it might be seen at best as a token gesture, and one done...
  16. Civil PE Surveying Review

    Civil PE Surveying Review

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